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50+ Recruitment

Open Age’s Work Routes 50+ supports local jobseekers to find sustainable employment. We offer free, confidential advice and job brokerage for unemployed people over the age of 50 who live in RBKC, Westminster, and Hammersmith & Fulham.

What we offer:

- One-to-one guidance to create an Work Ready Action     Plan
- High quality skills training through our seminars
- Support with job search/applications at our Work Club
- Volunteer opportunities as a first step back into work
- Creating a professional CV and accessing targeted Job    Boards
- Matching work ready clients to local employers
- Interview preparation including mock interviews with    feedback
- Targeted financial help with the cost of entering work
- In-work support for the first six months of employment

For advice on eligibility please call our office on 020 3713 8735 or contact us via e-mail:
Mary Waterman:
(work mobile: 07766752093)
Natalie Simms:
(work mobile: 07799353945)

Our opening hours are  9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Monday – Thursday

If you would like to access a downloadable copy of our Statement of Services click here. If you would like to access our complaints policy, please click here

This service is currently co-financed by the Department for Work and Pensions and the European Social Fund through our Work Routes 50+ affiliation with Reed in Partnership.