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Thank you for your gift

Please take a moment to read through the Winter Appeal here, which highlights how, as an Open Age community, we have made a warm and welcoming space for Michael.

Click on the Donate Button above to make an online donation. It is safe to use your Debit or Credit Card. Both options are secure. Online payments to Open Age are processed by CAF - Charities Aid Foundation - which is a charity itself that supports other charities with banking, fundraising and lots more. It is safe to make a donation to Open Age using our donate button powered by CAF. CAF makes it easier for us to manage our donations, processes any Gift Aid on our behalf which adds 25p to every £1 we recieve. We will also send you an immediate acknowledgement via CAF, so you are assured that we have recieved your gift.

Alternatively, please see below for other ways to donate to Open Age Charity. Thank you.


Other ways to donate to Open Age Charity:-

Kindly complete our Donation Form to accompany any gift made using the methods below so we can send you an acknowledgement and claim Gift Aid where possible - Thank You.

By Bank Transfer
Open Age’s bank details are:
Barclays Bank plc
Sort Code: 20-96-55
Account No: 70392340

By Setting Up a Regular Standing Order
Please use the above Bank details.
Complete the Donation Form, sign and post to:
Open Age, St Charles Centre for Health & Wellbeing, Exmoor Street, London W10 6DZ
Alternatively, email the complete form to 

Cheque or Postal Order
Please make your cheque or postal order out to Open Age, and post along with the Donation Form to:
Open Age, St Charles Centre for Health & Wellbeing, Exmoor Street, London W10 6DZ

With your support, we can combat loneliness and isolation and improve the health and wellbeing of older Londoners. Our vision is for our members to lead healthy, fulfilling and joyful lives full of variety, community, diversity and a sense of belonging. 
Your gift really does mean, life has just begun!



Working in Partnership

Open Age Charity Wins Major Sport Award for Innovative Physical Activities During Covid-19

Donate with peace of mind


Online payments to Open Age are processed by CAF - Charities Aid Foundation - which is a charity itself that supports other charities with banking, fundraising and lots more. It is safe to make a donation to Open Age using our donate buttons, powered by CAF.


For further information, please visit our make a donation page. Alternatively, please feel free to contact with any questions.

Thank you.