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Carers - Time for Me

We understand that carers often need support. ‘Time for Me’ offers free or low-cost leisure activities for people over 50 who look after a family member or friend as an unpaid carer.

Open Age has a dedicated programme of Activities for Carers 50+ only. 

In normal times, we have ‘Time for Me’ programmes for carers in Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea. They each run a supportive programme of activities and trips, so carers can have a break and improve their own health and well-being. It’s a great way to connect with other people in a similar situation, reducing feelings of isolation and boosting confidence.

Find out more about the activities we offer by clicking on the link below.

TFM Carers Programme July 2024

If you would like to get in touch please see details below:

Phone : 020 4516 9976

Email : 


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